I don't know if I would have believed everything this year has been made up of if you had asked me a year ago, just days before I started with SCM.
Have you read the blog about Called to be... the event I ran in March, or that time I celebrated take your rolling pin to work day? I've also reflected on things as widespread as preaching and boxes. This actually happens to be blog number 40!
Who would have thought I'd have been on 664 trains??
Whilst working my August has been full of Greenbelt. SCM is still a Greenbelt Associate which meant Ruth Wilde (SCM's Faith in Action Worker) and I went off to Kettering with 8 student volunteers to staff a stall/'student living room', run a workshop on going to uni and meet up with 41 students, almost-students and chaplains at the Jesus Arms pub. We gave out goody bags, chatted to those about to go to uni (and their parents) met more church leaders and promoted the Welcoming Students to your church guide, SCM Connect and the new Christian Student Guide site. I was personally very excited to see my name in the programme next to the Going to Uni workshop. #MadeIt.
It's a couple of years since I was last at Greenbelt and it was great to see the festival growing, exploring new ideas and providing a place for inclusive christians to be.
Also this august I've taken some holiday, caught up with what is happening at St Peter's House and opened the bookings for A Light for All.
So that was year one. I'm about to take a long weekend off to recover from Greenbelt and year two starts on Sunday night with a welcome service for the new Superintendent in the Manchester Circuit.
See you soon.