You may remember that last week I'd been to Liverpool on Monday. I continued in that fashion with a trip there on Wednesday evening too, travelling from Manchester via Birmingham to vist the SCM office. Wednesday's visit was to join St Bride's Church for their student meal which was led by their student worker and was run as a follow up to the Student Sunday worship they led in February. It was lovely to meet more students and learn about all sorts of things, including who is and who isn't allowed to milk a snake(!). On Saturday I was back in Liverpool again, this time for the Toolkit training day, run ecumenically for children and youth leaders from Liverpool and beyond. It was really interesting to hear a student talk about his transition from young person to young adult as well as chatting to people about what they can do to support students. I even made it on to the powerpoint notices! I followed the morning with a spot of lunch at the home of one of our many SCM Friends. It's always great to hear stories SCM from generations ago, and see people still passionate about the work of SCM today.
This week I also had my six month probabtionary review meeting, and it was decided that things are going well and that I can stay! That afternoon Hilary and I started doing some planning for the future taking into account all that I've heard and seen in the North West and beyond in these first six months.
My other main task for this week is to finish the preparations for "Called to be..." There is still time for you to join us, either for the whole weekend or just the Saturday is that is easier. We'll be taking to Facebook Live to help you all feel a part of what is going on, and we're also planning to record the keynote speech by Timothy Radclifffe which you'll be able to listen to from our website. I've written a blog on the St Peter's House website which you might want to check out too.
Prayer points for this month:
Called to be... that everyone has a fulfilling time and all the preparations come together
Inspiration for plans and what exciting things could be happening in the North West in the coming months and years.