There is a board in St Peter's House that shows the times that the chaplains are in during the week. They don't need to know my movements in such detail so I just write up whether I'm 'In' or 'Out' of Manchester each day. Someone has funnily followed this with the line 'shake it all about!
I am currently incredibly impressed with SCM Manchester. A few weeks ago you may recall Tim Baker from All We Can come to speak to the group. This inspired debate and questions around the refugee crisis among other world issues. The Thursday after that a small group of us met to plan a student led service for St Peter's House Church. We explored what worship is, what is important in worship and then planned the service using liturgy from All We Can's resources. We chose readings and planned activities to explore the theme of refugees and what we can do about the refugee crisis. Last Sunday, the service came together and as part of the service a UN video was played with statistics from 2015 - I'd be scared to think what they are like now, a year later. After the service I had so many comments about how the students had done so well. It was great to see them want to look at such a big issue and challenge the church to go and do something.
Last Thursday we explored Dalit Theology with Raj, an SCM member who is a PhD student here in Manchester. It was great to explore how different cultures explore theology differently, and I hope to bring more of that out in tonight's session of Theology and Film. I've met with a few students recently and the topic of the future has always come up. I'm really excited about "Called to be..." our Gathering in Manchester in March which will explore vocation. I've also spent time in my office sending emails and getting in touch with people to visit and meet in Manchester and further afield.
This week I've had a trip to Liverpool and Preston. In both places I met with chaplains to discuss how we can work together. I had a tour around Liverpool University, met with a masters student and heard some of his story and had a bacon butty (sorry barm as I was corrected in Liverpool) with a group of Youth Leaders who meet monthly. Their discussion about how to encourage young people to read the Bible was really interesting and I hope I added both from my experience of Youth Work before I worked for SCM and what I've seen working with students these past two months.
That's what it's all about
Wherever I am in the North West I'm explaining what SCM and particularly my role is all about. I don't seem to have a typical week, but talking to chaplains, meeting with students and supporting groups is probably what it is all about.