Whenever I get asked what I do at work, I always say that every day is different. This is still the case. I've recently been a bit more grounded in Manchester, but my job still has a great variety to it.
Last Thursday SCM Manchester had a social evening so we ate pizza and played a card game called Phase 10, which I discovered at university when a lovely women from my church would invite me for lunch and games on a Sunday.
I spent the majority of Monday sat at my desk working through and, more excitingly, ticking things off my to-do list.
Tuesday, though still at my office, was very different. I went to meetings to find out and share what has been going on at St Peter's House, and also exploring what student work in Manchester might look like in September. I also had a phone chat with Ellis in the Birmingham office to help plan some new ideas for other areas of the North West. I then had 30 minutes to print things to read on the train, and send a few emails before finishing for the day at 1pm. I found I was much more focused when I only had a short amount of time in the office!
Wednesday had a very early start, but with good reason as I met with the rest of the staff team for breakfast in Birmingham before heading to the office for our weekly team meeting and then photography training. I've learnt all sorts of new words like aperture and ISO which is a word, not an acronym. I think I even got my head around how a small number was actually a large fraction and therefore had a large aperture which means only what is close is in focus and the background won't be! We had a really good time trying to take photos, and hopefully you'll see a difference in the quality we take from now on! I obviously didn't take the photo above, credit for that goes to Ellis.
Tonight it's back to SCM Manchester and the final session of the term with Taizé to chill us all out in the run up to Easter.
So this is me signing off for March with just 59 trains and 3 trams!