Recipes at the Ready!

We’re really excited to announce that in 2022, as part of our food campaign, SCM will be developing our very own ethical cookbook! However, we can’t do this alone. To paraphrase Lord Kitchener, we need you! Or more specifically, we need your recipes.  

Throughout January we will be putting a call out to you - our members and supporters - to send us some exciting and mouth-watering recipes. All we ask is that you submit recipes that can help us to protect the planet and the people involved in the food industry.  

While we’re not looking for only vegetarian or vegan recipes, we are looking for those that are reduced meat or easily adapted to be meat free – whether that be swapping mince for lentils, pork belly for jackfruit, or chicken for tofu, we encourage you to be inventive when thinking about how we can adapt recipes that are traditionally meat heavy. We’re also keen to receive recipes that focus on locally sourced, seasonal, or fair trade products.  

If you are interested in submitting a recipe, then here are some things you will need to know: 

  • Include how many people the recipe will feed – we’re especially keen to get some recipes that can easily be scaled up for SCM groups (e.g. stews, chilli, pasta dishes, curries) 
  • Provide a clear list of what ingredients people will need to buy and the quantity of these in grams  
  • Include detailed instructions that clearly walk people through each stage of the preparation and cooking process 
  • Don’t forget to share what temperature (if any) the oven should be set at – and list the temperature for both electric and gas ovens 
  • Include a photo of the finished recipe  

Provide some personal details (no more than 250 words) about what the recipe means to you – whether it be a favourite childhood dish, a memory of living in a different country, or just your go-to comfort food, this is a great chance to help others connect to what this particular recipe means to you   

Recipe submissions are open until the end of January. If you want to make a submission, or if you have any questions or want to know more about the upcoming cookbook than just drop Lizzy an email at

Happy cooking!