Well it’s been a while, but season 2 of the SCM podcast launches today. Over the next 5 months episodes will be releasing every Wednesday. Join William Gibson, our Faith in Action project worker for theology and resources, as he explores the life, theology and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
This podcast season will have 3 different types of episodes. First, theological, where William will interview theologians and scholars to discuss Bonhoeffer and how he relates to our Christian life and political action today. Second, activist episodes, in these episodes SCM members and Christian political activists will share what Faith in Action means to them and spend some time reflecting on Bonhoeffer’s impact on their activism. Third, devotional, these episodes draw upon the theology and work of Bonhoeffer to provide you with a space to reflect and pray.
Our first episode has released today and is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. This first episode of season 2 is a devotional episode based on Bonhoeffer’s concept of a world come of age. Take some time today to pray and reflect with William, find a comfortable space, put your headphones in and enjoy.
Next Wednesday William speaks with Phoebe, our Faith in Action worker for social justice, about their time in London taking part in the peace pilgrimage to the DSEI arms fayre.