Alana's blog

AdLENTure - A Journey in Learning

Lent, in its simplest form, is a time for learning. 

The Greatest Speech of all Time?

An extension of our most recent Everyday Theology blog about Paolo Nutini's Iron Sky, take a listen to Charlie Chaplin's famous speech from The Great Dictator (1940) and have a read of why it is, perhaps, still inescapably relevant today. 

Paolo Nutini - Iron Sky

For our next Everyday Theology blog, we take at look at the theological significance of the lyrics of Iron Sky by Paolo Nutini. Links to the song and its lyrics can be found at the top of the blog! 

The Anthropology of FGM

International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM takes place every year on 6th February. This year, please take some time to think about those effected by the ritual and pray for the safety and happiness of those who will be cut that day too.  

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Timeline

A timeline of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life.

The Story of a Refugee

No room left at the Inn... The story of a refugee called Jesus. 

Janis Joplin - Merdedes-Benz

An Everyday Theology on Christmas and Consumerism 

Advent: The Theology of Waiting

In our latest blog, Alana considers why the theology of waiting is so important during Advent, and how we can use this waiting period to take action and do some good! 

Who is my neighbour?

Who is my neighbour?.. The Good Samaritan. 

A Theological Perspective on Remembrance and Awareness

World AIDS Day (1st December) - A Theological Perspective on Remembrance and Awareness in the UK.