SCM's blog

Artists for Change from Church Action on Poverty

If we ask you to imagine a meeting aimed at ending poverty, what comes to mind, and where are you? 

Perhaps you’re thinking of a gathering of professionals in a formal meeting room, discussing strategies and policies. (Exciting? No?) 

Perhaps you’re imagining something more dynamic and grounded in community: people bouncing ideas around and seeking to reclaim power.  

It’s maybe less likely you’re imaging yourself at an art exhibition, or a live gig, or a poetry reading. 

Meet your General Council election candidates!

At the upcoming AGM, members will have the opportunity to elect representatives to General Council, the decision-making body of the movement made up of students and recent graduates. 

Face to Face with Jesus: Lent 2024

The following reflection is taken from St Clare's lent series based on the Face to Face with Jesus resource, and was originally published on their website.

Meeting Jesus Through Rest: Lent 2024

In our latest Lent blog, Niamh explores the radical act of rest as a way of meeting Jesus in a new way.

Stand for election to General Council!

Are you passionate about the work of SCM? Do you want an opportunity to develop your skills? 

Stand for election to General Council!

Who’s That Guy Shouting At A Fig Tree: Lent 2024

As the Son of God, the fully human, fully divine physical incarnation of the Almighty, Jesus is perfect. But in His perfection, it is sometimes difficult to relate to Jesus - to truly embrace the ‘fully human’ side of the Jesus equation. This is why I love the story of Jesus shouting at a fig tree.

Meeting Jesus in Psychoanalysis: Lent 2024

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ

 Galatians 6:2

Psychoanalysis is an intensive therapeutic treatment invented by Sigmund Freud (1857-1939), that aims to make unconscious processes conscious.

The Gospels are Queer: Lent 2024

Reading the story of Jesus through a queer lens and exploring the possibility of seeing me and my experience reflected back in millennia-old sacred text is what has returned my faith back to me. Getting to explore text and ask ‘how would this change if I make it gay?’ is a new hobby. Here are a few examples of stories of Jesus read through a queer lens that I particularly love to prove to you that this is a great practice to try!

An Interview with Jay Hulme

Jay Hulme is an award winning transgender poet, speaker and theologian. With a special interest in queer rights and theology, Jay’s work engages particularly with ideas of faith, place, and identity, with many of his poetry books for adults being published by one the UK’s foremost Christian publishers. Melody, Movement Editor, sat down with Jay to find out where he draws inspiration for his work and to discuss how the church can be more welcoming of queer people. 

Faith on Film

I’ve heard people bemoan that there aren’t more good Christian films, or perhaps that Christian films are just no good at all. This will very possibly come from someone who has suffered through God’s Not Dead, amongst my least favourite films I’ve ever seen, or something similar. As you may be aware, God’s Not Dead tells the story of a Christian student who, upon enrolling in a philosophy class in his first year of university, is mandated by his professor to sign a declaration that God is dead before he can continue with the class.