SCM's blog

When Grace said "...", I thought "..."

Shanika responds to Grace's Prayer Adventure blog series!

Does faith belong in politics? What we can learn from Kate Forbes' campaign

The question of what role faith has in 21st century politics has come to the fore in the last few days as the socially conservative Kate Forbes launched her campaign to become the First Minister of Scotland. Kate belongs to the Free Church of Scotland, a denomination which opposes abortion rights, marriage equality, and the banning of conversion therapy.

The Crucifixion as Unity

Edmund reflects on the crucifixion as a consequence of a life lived in true unity, and changing heart's with actions not words.

Holocaust Memorial Day Liturgy

A liturgy for SCM's Holocaust Memorial Day service.

Finding God in Old Places: An Ex-Evangelical Perspective on Unity

SCM Member Anika shares some reflections on unity, togetherness, and disagreement for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

"Dear Bishop X"

SCM Member Phoebe shares a letter she wrote to her Bishop about equal marriage in the Church of England.

Advent and Activism

Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus at Christmas, and his coming again to make the earth new. It is a time to pray and reflect, and to discern where God is calling us to put our faith into action and 'make the way straight' for the Lord.

Ethical Church Shopping

Baptist Minister Michael Shaw explores how we often fail to consider the ethical values of the churches we choose to attend, and advises on how to choose a church that aligns with your views and ethics when you arrive at university this autumn.

TBH, you're not welcome here

In this blog, SCM member Honey Harrop explores the importance of churches being honest about their LGBTQ+ welcome from the outset. Check out our new Honest Church campaign at

Statement on Greenbelt

SCM responds to Greenbelt's decision to platform speakers with transphobic views.