Shanika has written for SCM in the past about her experiences as a mentally disabled student who can’t attend church. This blog rehashes some of that story, focusing particularly on how her disability arose in a church setting and how the wider Church struggles to understand and respond to this uncomfortable fact.
Feylyn is a Research Fellow at the University of Sussex. She reflects on how she has listened to God calling her through the people around her, and seeing God at work in the highs and the lows.
For the first vocations story from our Called to Be resource we hear from Emilia. Emilia has a degree in motorsports and now works for a luxury car company. She reflects on the choices she has made working in a field that has contributed to projects she believes go against her faith.
The idea of vocation, within church contexts, is now mostly used to refer to becoming a church leader or religious minister. But it is so much broader; it is about our journey as disciples in whatever direction God is leading us. It is not only about what we do, but how we live and who we are called to be.