SCM's blog

Unpacking ‘bigger is not always better’: bodies, food, and health on the Church Time's front page

If you read the Church Times – or engage with ‘Church twitter’ or similar circles on social media – you may have noticed a recent article on obesity that sparked some heated discourse. The article may have been a well-intentioned attempt to engage the Church with issues of physical health and human flourishing, but its presentation on the Church Times front page left a lot to be desired.

I Was a Stranger and You Invited Me In: The Nationality and Borders Bill Campaign

Lizzy and Alana announce plans for a new long-term campaign and how you can get involved.

Proud to Be... A Fighter

Shanika writes about how she's proud of being a fighter for this month's Black History theme 'Proud To Be'.

Reflections on Reading Living in Love and Faith

For the past eight months, SCM members, trustees and staff have been meeting regularly to read and discuss the Living in Love and Faith resources. Here, members of the group reflect on their experience.

We started reading the Living in Love and Faith book back when it was published in November and have spent the past eight months reflecting on it as a group. The process has been a challenging, yet engaging time, which allowed us to understand our thoughts and feelings about our faith, our experiences, and our relationship with the wider Church.

An Open Letter from SCM to the Church of England Living in Love and Faith and Next Steps groups

An Open Letter from SCM to the Church of England Living in Love and Faith and Next Steps groups

Dear Siblings in Christ,

A Statement on the Church in Wales' Decision to Bless Same Sex Marriages

The Student Christian Movement celebrates the news that the Church in Wales has formally agreed to bless same-sex marriages.

A Global Community: Updates from the WSCF Virtual EGA

Josh recently represented SCM Britain at the WSCF Extraordinary General Assembly. He fills us in on what took place.

Hope in the Midst of Climate Crisis

With the findings from the recent IPCC report, the freak weather events across the globe and even the ocean on fire, it's feeling more and more difficult to have hope for the future of humanity. Liz suggests that despite the seemingly hopeless circumstances, we need to find a way to hold onto hope for our sake and the sake of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable.

Community & Belonging

A reflection on belonging in community for A Level Results Day 2021.

Stories of Hope: Looking to the World Church

Nathan Olsen reflects on how he finds hope in a world that has become increasingly smaller and more broken in the wake of Covid-19.