SCM's blog

Waiting in Hope: A Look Back at the National Gathering

Two weeks ago (and three months later than originally scheduled), 25 students and SCM staff arrived in Ledbury to reflect on the theme of Waiting in Hope through talks, worship and Lego.

From the moment of my arrival, it was clear we would be having a good time together. Many of the attendees had already arrived, and were playing games outside. This spirit of fun and community continued throughout the weekend, with people playing sports and chatting outside between sessions and in the evenings.

Optimism and Hope

Lou reflects on the subtle difference between optimism and hope after our 2021 National Gathering. 

Hope in the Midst of Illness

Debbie kicks off our Stories of Hope blog series reflecting on having hope in the midst of serious illness.

CW: illness, cancer, death

SCM Britain's Statement on the Situation in Palestine

SCM Britain celebrates the news of a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, but we recognise that this is the first step and not the last. We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and call upon SCM members and the wider Church to continue to learn about what’s happening, raise awareness in our communities, amplify Palestinian voices, and take action.

A New Partnership: Iona Community and SCM

SCM members Jack and Annie have recently embarked on a new adventure volunteerings with the Iona Community. As a result, SCM has entered into a partnership with the Iona Community, who share our values of justice, peace, spirituality, inclusion and community. 

Reflection: How lockdown brought SCM members together

The coronavirus lockdown measures announced by the Government urged members of the public to stay at home unless absolutely necessary, prohibiting large gatherings. Having previously headed a local SCM group for two years, I found the prospect of being forced to cancel our exciting schedule for the summer term (and the reading in of a new committee) heart-breaking. Nonetheless, on a national scale, SCM were quick to act.

In Favour of 'Global Majority'

Augustine puts forward a case for scrapping the term BAME and instead adopting People of Global Majority. 

There is evil, there is good, our actions matter, there will be justice

What have you learned from 2020? Kate reflects on the truth that Apocalyptic times reveal to us that there is evil, there is good, our actions matter, and that there will be justice.

Our Daily Bread

Liddy reflects on our recent campaign launch event for Our Daily Bread.

Agape Amidst Apocalyptic Advents

Shanika explores why we need to love one another now more than ever in the midst of this most Apocalyptic of Advents.