SCM's blog

Don't Understand Revelation? It's Not the End of the World!

Andii Bowsher explores the oft confusing Book of Revelation, and explains why we're (probably) not at the end of the world. 

Apocalypse Now

Modified from a sermon given on the first Sunday of Advent at St. David of Scotland, Scottish Episcopal Church, Edinburgh by Ross Jesmont. Ross explores what apocalpyse could mean for us this Advent. 

Be Strong. Have Courage. Don't lose hope.

Some words of encouragement as we enter England's second lockdown. 

The World Is Watching

Anna Spiegel, an American chaplain at the University of Leeds, reflects on the 2020 US election.

Let Justice Run Down Like Water

Augustine reflects on the last few Presidential elections in the United States, and his hopes for the 2020 election. 

America's Last Chance? A Reflection on the 2020 Election

Josh reflects on the upcoming Presidential election and what is at stake if Trump wins a second term. 

Anxious about the Climate Emergency?

Jo Musker-Sherwood, Director of climate lobby specialists Hope for the Future, explores how to combat eco-anxiety as climate issues are exacerbated.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Activism in Exile

Nathan explores how we can balance being safe in a pandemic with pursuing justice through the example of the lives of Tillich and Bonhoeffer.

Exile As Opportunity: The Fringes and Hidden Corners of the Church

Shanika reflects on the opportunity that lockdown brings to include those on the fringes of the church.