Creation and rest

Bible Passage

"So on the seventh day God rested from all the work he had done." Genesis 1:31- 2:3


When was the last time you stopped everything? Said no, took a rest, went for an explore or dug out a book you like or took some time alone? The story of creation that begins the Bible - one of the most dynamic and awe-inspiring stories in scripture - begins with God's star-throwing, universe-creating action. God is an action hero in these verses - there is no speculation about what God was up to before God got to it and created the earth, sun, moon, stars, and all life.

But this action hero God has a sensitive side, too. The action of creating leads God not into more frantic activity but into a place of rest and contemplation. The word for rest used at the beginning of Chapter 2 could be translated 'cease'. God doesn't stop because he is tired - God chooses to cease the work of creation. God stops and considers what he has made - God pronounces it good. God acts boldly, but God also stops and thinks, has some time to enjoy what he has done. In the midst of your studies and work, how can you take part in God's rest and enjoy what you have done, and enjoy God?

Practical Action

Even if it is just for 5 minutes, take some time before you get started on your to-do list to imagine God resting. Imagine God looking at you and enjoying you for being you. Rest with God, who wants to rest with you and with all creation!


Resting God, our hearts are restless until we find our home in you. Lead us into rest in you even while we are busy.


Written by Nathan Eddy. Nathan has worked as a university chaplain and a minister in the United Reformed Church. 

Resource type: 
Resource theme: 
The Bible
Encountering God