Group Resources Round-Up


Theme: Welcome to Uni / Black History Month

Taking time to prepare devotional

Preparing for the Unexpected Devotional

Liberation Theology Workshop

Black Theology 101 Resource

Black History Month Website

Anti-racism Resources


Theme: Reconciliation

Coventry Cathedral’s Litany of Reconciliation

Reconciliation - Reflections on Coventry’s Role

SCM peace workshops

On Small Resistances and Powerful Reconciliation Blog


Theme: Advent

The Theology of Waiting Blog

Advent Bible Study

Jesus Workshop

Christmas Eve Prayer


Theme: Mental Health

WellBeings Resource 

Stepping Stones Workshop  

Mental Wellbeing Social Action Directorate

Disrupted Rhythms: A Hopeful Path Through Pandemic Wellbeing with Sanctuary Mental Health with Colin Piling (video)

Mental Illness vs Mental Wellbeing Blog


Theme: Queer Theology

Sexuality Workshop

Queer Theology Resource

Trans Theology and Intersex Theology Resource

Feminist and Queer approaches to Scripture Resource


Theme: Sacrifice

Bonhoeffer the Martyr blog

Garden of Gethsamane blog

Oscar Romero blog

Bonhoeffer Workshop

Radical action, radical change video


Theme: Disability & Neurodiversity

An Unexpected Journey: Worship, Wonder, and Wheelcharis (video)

The Church and Disability blog


Theme: Vocation

Stepping Stones workshop

Called to be... resource

Isaiah's encounter with God workshop

Back door of the bungalow and the garden gate blog


Theme: Climate Change & Refugee week

Environment workshop

Ecology prayer

Liz Marsh ‘After COP26: Thinking About Hope and the Climate Crisis’ Theology Thursday (video)

Voices of Climate Collapse (video testimonies of climate refugees)


Resource type: 
How To Guide
Resource theme: 
Running a Group