
The congregation or group join in with the words in bold.
Jesus says, come to me
Jesus says, feed on me
Jesus says, depend on me
Jesus says, I will never drive you away
Jesus now lead us on
Jesus says, you have seen, but do you believe?
Jesus says, what is holding you back today?
Jesus says, would you rather go hungry, when you can be filled?
Jesus now lead us on
Jesus says, I bring life, not death;
joy, not bitterness;
freedom, not guilt;
hope, not despair.
Jesus says, come to me, and I will feed you.
Come to me, and I will make you whole,
Come to me, and you will have everything you need.

Jesus now lead us on
Jesus said – I am the bread of life
Whoever comes to me will never be hungry
Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty
(You have seen me, and yet do not believe)
Anyone who comes to me I will never drive away
This is indeed the will of my father, that all who see the son and believe in him may have eternal life; and I will raise them up on the last day.
(Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life
For my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink
Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.)
Jesus says, I am all that you need.
Jesus now lead us on
Beth Dodd, former member of Cambridge SCM
Let justice roll down like waters;
on those who are thirsty;
on those who are hungry;
on those who work to pay off debts which are not their own;
on those enslaved by poverty and need.
Let justice roll down like waters;
on those who need cleansing;
on those who need wisdom;
on those who profit from the poverty of the poor;
on those who have the power to end oppression
Let justice roll down like waters;
on those who need refreshing;
on those who need to hear your word;
on those who work and pray for peace and justice
Let justice roll down like waters;
on those who need healing;
on those who need to feel your love wash away their pain;
on those who need to hear your voice in their darkness
Let your justice, love and righteous anger;
roll down like waters into our lives;
that we may act to build your kingdom;
in which streams of righteousness will flow.
Marie Pattison, SCM Friend
Resource type: 
Prayer and Liturgy
Resource theme: 
Christian Faith
Encountering God
God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit