The SCM Theological Reflection Journal

Theological Reflection plays a vital role in SCM's commitment to putting faith into action. This printable journaling workbook guides you through exercises to meaningfully engage with the world around you by reflecting on your experiences through the lens of your faith. Maybe you…

  • Want to take action for social justice but don’t know where to start
  • Don’t know what your next steps are after uni
  • Are dealing with conflict or division in your community

The resource gives you the time and space to meaningfully reflect on what’s going on and how you might be called to respond. Combining journaling prompts, ways of praying, bible study suggestions and action planning worksheets, we walk you through the See Judge Act cycle to put your faith into action in every walk of life.


Resource type: 
Theology and Stories
Resource theme: 
Doubt and Worry
Christian Faith
Faith in Action