SCM Connect
Kingswood Methodist Church
Inspired by the ministry of Jesus and guided by the Holy Spirit we aim to share the Love of God through worship, prayer, study and service, in Wollaton and the wider world.As a church family we will take care of each other and offer the love of Christ to all.Kingswood church has a congregation of around 60 of all ages on a Sunday morning 10am service, with a group for children. First Sunday of the month All-age worship includes workshops for all ages and 'spritual styles', and band-led worship songs - new musicians to play are always welcome. Cafe-style church on third Sunday at 6.30pm offers a chance for discussion of hot topics in the light of Bible teaching.We promote Fair trade by serving Fairtrade refreshments and with a regular stall and annual event. Several home groups during the week meet for Bible study and fellowship. The church serves its local community with fortnightly Saturday soup lunches, a Christian and Moslem Women's discussion group and a Youth Cafe (club) for teenagers alternate Saturday evenings, as well as letting its premises at a fair price.