SCM Connect
Bishop Grosseteste University Chaplaincy
As a Church of England University, we offer many opportunities on campus for students and staff to gather and worship, using material and input from a variety of traditions. Our Chapel is a special place where the community can gather at important moments, and where you can, at other times, find a quiet space for personal reflection, the lighting of a candle or prayer.The Chaplain plays an important part in the day-to-day pastoral care of students, being actively engaged with you from the very first days of the induction and welcome process and the Chaplaincy team are always available to any who seek support and a listening ear. They also offer formal and informal opportunities for Christian reflection, spiritual growth, and charitable activity, as well as the opportunity to meet with, learn from, and enjoy the company and friendship of others.We can help you locate and engage with faith communities which are right for you, as well as support you if you are looking to explore new and alternative experiences which could be anything from learning bell-ringing to training as an accredited youth worker.Feel free to drop us an email, join us at an event or find out more information on our website.