SCM friends

Baking Mince pies

Rach's Diary - Take Your Rolling Pin to Work Day

2 Dec 2016

On Tuesday I headed to Birmingham for my weekly day in the SCM Office, and in my bag I took my five year journal. I'm 29 days from finishing the fourth year of it, and the question on Tuesday was 'Describe your mood in five words'. It was my turn to lead prayers at our SCM team meeting this week...

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My SCM Experience has Lasted over 50 Years

25 Jan 2016

I owe a lot to the SCM. After a good Quaker upbringing, which taught me the importance of being of service to others, I joined the SCM at Bristol in 1958. It did two things for me.

 Firstly, I was challenged to face up to a commitment in trying to be a follower of Jesus....

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